DWIBS 通过提高 MRI(磁共振成像)测试的性能而成为可能。
CD ROM:当天会交付图像光盘。
What’s DWIBS.
DWIBS is made possible by improving the performance of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) examination.
This is a "whole body cancer examination".
・The examination takes about 30 minutes.
・No dietary restrictions (breakfast can be eaten on the day).
・No injections before the examination.
・No medical radiation exposure.
・No need to control blood sugar for diabetics.
・Seeing the images during the examination.
【Examination content】
Diagnosis and consultation: medical history, family history, auscultation and consultation. Analysis combined with test results.
DWIBS examination: Using magnetic resonance imaging equipment, a one-time photographic examination from the neck to the chest, abdomen, and pelvis.
Typical diseases suspected when abnormalities are examined: Cancer risk test (lung cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, etc.)
CD ROM: The image CD will be delivered on the same day.
Result report: The medical examination report translated into Chinese or English will be delivered in the form of a data file.
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